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Case Studies


As we highlight more projects on this page, we will move current case studies to the archive. For now, we have provided some more references for your reading.

Abu, R., Reed, M. G. & Jardine, T. D. (2020). Using two-eyed seeing to bridge Western science and Indigenous knowledge systems and understand long-term change in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 36(5), 757-776.

Artelle, et al. (2018) Values-led management: the guidance of place-based values in environmental relationships of the past, present, and future 

Berkes et al. (2006) Collaborative integrated management in Canada’s North: The role of local and traditional knowledge and community-based monitoring

Gilles, et al. (2016) Improving the American eel fishery through the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge into policy level decision making in Canada

Gagnon & Berteaux (2009) Integrating traditional ecological knowledge and ecological science: a question of scale

Kendrick, A. & Manseau, M. (2008). Representing traditional knowledge: Resource management and Inuit knowledge of barren-ground caribou. Society and Natural Resources, 21, 404-418. DOI: 10.1080/08941920801898341

Popp et al. (2020) Indigenous Guardianship and Moose Monitoring: Weaving Indigenous and Western Ways of Knowing


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