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Weaving Ways of Knowing


This page is for our community to engage with each other, network, share knowledge, ask questions, and connect with each other in any way we can facilitate. If you have resources (reports, papers, books, websites), protocols (i.e., that describe your approach or methods), project ideas, questions, training opportunities, conference information, stories, translations of key words into your language, or anything else you are willing to share, please contact us on this page. If you have an on-going project that you would like highlighted on our Case Studies page, we would love to hear about that, too. Stay tuned for an interactive engage section where members of our community (sign up, below!) can post and interact with each other.

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Here we provide links to other useful websites, reports, and papers that provide more opportunities for learning and connecting. If you have resources that you would like to add to this page, or know of a design or consulting company that is missing from our list, please share it with us.



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